Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Female/PoontanG LoVE Abit Of Dat Evil Juice!!.....

Da last couple of weekends have been jammed packed full of alcohol fueld naughty behaviour for da Cocaine't4kidz ladz... especially this weekend where I got blaggered 4days outa 3... yes 4/3 days.. I extend my weekend to Monday night...
Da most recent being joeydakid getting ultra FUCKED at BB's little shindig.. My GawD.. it was an Orrible (with a capital O) site i tell ya.. He was literally throwing up he's internals... like he had drank a whole bottle of IPECAK! (click here if you r not sure what ipecak is).......He filled up dat bowel 5times with hes breakfast, lunch an dinner.

"don't judge meee!!"

joeys special puke-punch...

"somebody take me home!"
I was on this site not to long ago which is dedicated to females getting Smashed! What more can you asked for other than 'drunken Pooon'....that would not remember how many times you groped her tits an assseseses.. (I am not that guy by da way..)

Eres a couple pics that stimulated da amusement Side of my brainage...

Now...she defo had a good night..

comming out of both ends..

pockadot thong!?!?!?

she's doing da splits brav! lol

What goes in must come out I suppose..

Head down thumbs up...?

I know that delighted you for da good 1.min an 33secs-ish
Me thinks..this weekend I might take it alittle easy on da booze.... before i ends up on that show 'booze britain'......or mybe not..

Jack Daniels + Southern comfort + 2 'K' Ciders + vodka + all in one cup = joey nearly waking up inna hospital for alcohol abuse...



  1. why do i always smile wen im plastered...i literally cant stop myself frm bein elated

  2. Yea you're ALWAYS smiling when you're drunk! But come on man, Man up before there's a man down! You know we're meant to save the paralytic behaviour until we're on holiday in Rio DiGenero Summer 2010

  3. dass pretty dangerous shun, i aint tryna be paryltic in rio n waking up in a lady boys bed called JUANita
