Monday 12 October 2009

TellY Overload IncreAses I.Q.....

So yesterday.... (after a messy Saturday night which consisted of alcohol intoxication and weed inhalation)... I managed to sit at home in front of da telly and do fuck all apart from getting up to go get some saveloy and chips from my local chippy which is h-actually owned by Chinese people...

So as I'm watching this fing called da 'telly'.... I started pondering how much bullshit is actually on ere..... then BAMMM! hit me...... I realised that this box makes up 70% of my general knowledge and 'chirpsin' conversations..... such as.... 'did you kno...?.'
If YOU pick what you watch carefully... You can learn some ridiculous life/street lessons from this shit

As most people who kno me know this is one of my favourite channels....

DID YOU KNO.... that if your squint at a male will see u as a mating partner and try to shag your brains out...
DID YOU KNO.... that some animals have accents... A 'moo' of a Cow depends on which reagion its from..... so I imagine a cow from brooklyn sounding like this.. 'MOOO.. MUVAFUCKER... MOOOO'
DID YOU KNO.... that bats can only turn left when exiting a cave! .....I guess they are not ambi-turners...
DID YOU KNO.... that some birds can stay in the air for up to five years!!!
DID YOU KNO.... that an elephant can smell water from up to 3miles away!!....what da fuck does water smell like..?

National geo channel + trying to chat up a female + random facts = she's thinking "shits this guy is a wierdo.. but I like it.. so im gonna fuck hes brains out"


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