Friday 4 December 2009

Just sTOnes... (not da singer..)

Decided to go onna little road trip yesterday with a couple mates of mine... So we thought "FUCK IT!"... Lets go "Stone Henge" and see what all da fuss is about.... its just a bunch of big stones inna a weird shape after all....... or is it?
Well I can safely say YES.. it is just a bunch of pointless big stones...

well as you do... I started snappin away on my camera like a maniac... eres'a couple images..

To be honest.. we just ended up looking like a bunch of tourist... but hey.. twas a very cool but Bloodclaart COLD day brav!

road trip + Stone Henge = "Ok we have been staring at stones for 30mins now...LETS GET SOME KFC!!"



  1. Hell yeah it was cold, but the kfc was well worth it, dont forget to tell people we actually paid to look at them?!?!?!?

  2. ha! dude! I was looking to keep that a secret brav! seeing as we paid six pounds fifty PENCE just to walk round some stones.... (KFC was nice tho.)
